SEO on Auto-Pilot

Here's how Wilson Wilson automated his SEO efforts and got more backlinks for

How Wilson Wilson grew DA from 1 to 68 in a year domain rating

Here's the approach Wilson Wilson took in a nutshell:

  1. Automated Backlinks: Senja's product is designed to generate backlinks automatically.
  1. Custom URLs: Testimonial collection forms and Walls of Love are hosted on ensuring that each time someone links to these resources, Senja gains a backlink.
  1. Widget Backlinks: Senja's widgets provide additional backlink opportunities.
  1. Native JS Embeds: With native JS embeds, every "powered by Senja" badge serves as a backlink.
  1. Outcome: This approach resulted in a Domain Rating (DR) of 68 within just one year.

Here's the technical aspects of the widgets Wilson built.

And it's done 🥳 The next Senja widget is complete ✅ SEO optimized ✅ 100% customizable ✅ Extremely lightweight (6kb gzipped) ✅ Two lines of code to embed Now all I need to do is ☑️ Add docs ☑️ Test extensively ☑️ Deploy to Prod ☑️ Pray it won't break 😅

Testimonials for euboid

Wilson builds Senja, The easiest way to collect testimonials and add them to your website. worth checking it out.