How to approach the solopreneur beginner guide

Guide to get started with marketing, SEO, branding and more

John rush has a good tweet on how to approach building a product for solopreneurs.

❌How To Fail A Startup: → Idea → Design → Coding → 😫Audience ✅How To Succeed at Startups → Audience → Problem → Idea → Social Post → Waitlist → SEO → One Feature SaaS MVP → 😋Iterate With Users Tools I Use For Each Step ⤵️ → Audience: X, Linkedin, Reddit,…


He suggests to go in the following way.

  1. Audience: Who are you building for?
  2. Problem: What
  3. Idea: What's your solution?
  4. Social Post: Share your idea on social media.
  5. Waitlist: Collect emails from interested people.
  6. SEO: Start writing content around your idea.
  7. One Feature SaaS MVP: Build a simple version of your idea.

Have tried to organize the guide in a similar way. You are free to go through the guide in the manner it's organized or feel free to jump to any section you like according to your needs.


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On how to start marketing, practical advices and more.



What is SEO, introduction to beginners, free tools and backlink building strategies.


Personal branding

As a solopreneur, branding and building a distribution is important, so we share tips on how to build a personal brand.
