Nico Jeannen

Solopreneur who learned to code in 2 months, made 17 apps in 10 months & sold one for $65,000.

Nico's guide to get users through Facebook ads.

My guide to getting users with Facebook Ads is available for pre-order! πŸš€ Ads have been my #1 acquisition channel for Talknotes, and the reason I went from $0 to $2500 MRR in just 4 months. I did a bit of SEO but it just takes ages to take off (if it ever does πŸ’€). With ads,…


How to improve your marketing in 2 weeks.

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Nico suggests the following ways.

1️⃣ In your onboarding, ask people why they use the app. No pre-made choices, let users answer whatever they want

2️⃣ After 100 signups, export your list and read all answers manually

3️⃣ Find the top 3 problems your app solves for your users

4️⃣ Use them to write your headline and copy

Why Nico thinks this is important?

It removes the guesswork from your copy and makes it 10x more impactful