SEO on Auto-Pilot

Here's how Wilson Wilson automated his SEO efforts and got more backlinks for

How Wilson Wilson grew DA from 1 to 68 in a year domain rating

Here's the approach Wilson Wilson took in a nutshell:

  1. Automated Backlinks: Senja's product is designed to generate backlinks automatically.
  1. Custom URLs: Testimonial collection forms and Walls of Love are hosted on ensuring that each time someone links to these resources, Senja gains a backlink.
  1. Widget Backlinks: Senja's widgets provide additional backlink opportunities.
  1. Native JS Embeds: With native JS embeds, every "powered by Senja" badge serves as a backlink.
  1. Outcome: This approach resulted in a Domain Rating (DR) of 68 within just one year.

Here's the technical aspects of the widgets Wilson built.

Wilson builds Senja, The easiest way to collect testimonials and add them to your website. worth checking it out.